Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Friday

We have a really great second week of school. Students have been working on a mini project and learning about China. I am excited to see some of the interesting objects the students have brought in to share. We also started our big project today on the topic of school. This will help the students get aquainted better with where they spend most of their day.

I am done with the DRA reading assessment and each child has their own bag of books. We will begin with the new LA series next week and also being spelling words. Remember that I have two different sets of words that we will be using depending on your child's reading level. Spelling tests will be on Fridays. Your child will need to be able to write each word correctly as I say it aloud.

Next week will will also be starting a new unit in math- addition. We will have a pretest on Monday, and then start learning different addition strategies based on this data.

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