Thursday, February 21, 2008

IUPUI Interns

We will be having three Block A IUPUI studets in our classroom for the next several weeks. They will be here on Thursday mornings to learn about our school. This is the first field experience for many of them. I am excited to have them here to work with small groups of students and one on one with the children too. Today they read with students, and were very impressed by their abilities.

Students compared and contrasted The Three Little Pigs stories this week. We are also finishing up our I Spy book. Look for more information coming home this weekend. In math we are practicing looking for clues in story problems to tell which operation to use, as well as crossing out extra information not needed to solve the problem. This can be a hard skill to master, so it may take your child a little longer before you start seeing perfect papers coming home on problem solving. I am confident they will all meet this challenge.

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