Report Cards are coming home today. I was pleased to see that most children had improved since the first grading period. The report cards were based on assessments and work that Ms. Dishon had given before she left. I did not record any new grades the week before winter break that I came back to work. I am more than happy to discuss with you any concerns you may have about your child's progress, and the steps needed to improve in specific areas. Please let me know if you would like to plan a phone conference or you can just send me an email with your thoughts. I am planning on regular parent conferences after the
next grading period, so that I can get to know your child better.
As you may have heard, we started a new reward system for behavior in the classroom. I am now keeping track of how many times I must count your child during the day. If he or she does not get counted for poor behavior, a ticket will be filled out and put in a drawing on Fridays. One child will win a special reward of their choosing at that drawing. In addition, if your child can go the entire week without being counted, I will send home a happy note for mom and dad letting them know of the wonderful behavior. Congratulations to Ashlen for winning the drawing this week!