Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Touch Bad touch

The Indianpolis Metropolitian Police Department came and spoke to the first graders about how to keep their bodies safe. They discussed the different kinds of touches. Good touches make you feel good- like hugs, high fives, and pats on the back. Bad touches can hurt- like hitting, pushing, or kicking. Sometimes we might feel a confusing touch, one that makes you feel strange. This was explained to the children as if someone tickles you and won't stop even though you ask them too. They also learned that no one should touch them on their private areas- those covered by a bathing suit. They heard the names of these body parts, and were instructed to tell an adult if anyone ever touched them there. They learned it's okay for a doctor to examine you though.

If your child has any additional questions, they can ask you or myself.

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