Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I did a writing prompt with the children about how to cook a turkey. The mini-lesson focused on using words like first, next, then, after, finally, etc. I thought you might enjoy reading how your children might prepare your holiday dinner.

  1. First I would catch the turkey. Second I would roast it. Then I will get the feathers off it. Next I will put it on the table so we can eat it. Finally we will eat it and last we will eat the very very last bite and throw the bones away.
  2. First I roast the turkey for an hour. Next I let it cool down. Then I slice it to help it cool down. Afterwards I put it on a platter. Before we eat it we put salt and pepper on the turkey. Finally we eat it. Then we are done with our turkey.
  3. First I buy a turkey. Then I stuff the turkey. Next I cook the turkey. The temperature is going to be 47 degrees. After I take it to the table. Finally I eat it.
  4. First I will buy the turkey. Second we must bake it at 95 degress. Then take the turkey out of the oven. After that I eat the turkey.
  5. First I will catch the turkey. Second cook the turkey for 60 minutes. Then I'm going to stuff the turkey. Finally I can enjoy it.
  6. First buy the turkey. Second roast the turkey. Finally eat the turkey.
  7. If I would make the turkey for Thanksgiving first I would go to the forest. Then I would shoot the turkey. Next I would cook the turkey at 340 degrees. Next I would cut the turkey. Finally I would eat the turkey.
  8. First buy the turkey. Second I stuff the turkey. Next I put the turkey in the oven. The temperature is 1000 degrees. Then I take the turkey out of the oven. Finally I eat the turkey.
  9. First I get the turkey. Then I stuff the turkey. Next I put seasonings on it. After that I will cook it. Finally I will eat it.
  10. First I will buy the turkey. Then I will stuff the turkey. Next I will roast it over a fire. I need to turn the handle. We will eat it.
  11. First I buy the turkey. Second I bring it home. Then I cook it. Next I turn the oven to 200 degrees Farenheit. Afterwards I take it out. I turn the oven off. Finally I eat it.
  12. First we hunt the turkey. Second we roast the turkey and then stuff the turkey. After that we bring the turkey to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. Finally we eat it.

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

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