Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Whatnots


  • Reading Workshop- this week we are finishing up our fairy tale study. I’m sure you have heard all about our play we are putting on from your child. Next Tuesday our class will be performing “Live: It’s Fairy Tale News!” at 10:30 a.m. in the gym on the stage. I hope you are able to join us. The children have been working hard
    to memorize their lines. If you have any costumes or props at home, your child may be asking to bring them in. I will let you know by Friday of particular outfit needs for Tuesday. You do not need to buy anything.

  • Writing Workshop- We are busy selecting poems to put together in a class poetry book. Soon we will have a writer’s celebration for the students to culminate their poetry unit. Details will follow shortly if you are interested in attending.

  • Spelling- no new words this week. We will have a sentence dictation
    test on Friday

  • Math Workshop- first grade is continuing their study of geometry and working three dimensional shapes this week. We will also be beginning tessellations Thursday.
    Second grade is continuing to use fractions this week, focusing on equivalent fractions and ordering fractions in chapter 25

  • Project- we are in stage two, and students are currently researching their areas of
    interest. Students are looking into diseases from around the world, diseases that have been mostly eradicated, specific disease research, comparison of soap and hand
    sanitizer, vaccinations, dental hygiene, and disease prevention

ISTEP for grades 3
and up began this week. Related
Arts times have been adjusted, and the schedule may
look different in every subject this week.
All 2nd grade students in STRETCH will be joining my class
during testing so that their 3rd grade classmates can focus on
ISTEP. On Tuesday we played some
thinking skill games and watched a movie from Spanish class. Today we had silent reading time and
played in the gym with the parachute. On Thursday, we will again head to
the gym for some extra exercise and reading.

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