Monday, October 27, 2008

The Week Ahead

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fantastic Fall Break. This week will be a busy one in first grade.

  • ~We are starting a new unit in math, continuing and expanding our knowledge of money and time.
  • ~Students are enjoying their project time as they learn more about flags. Today they were so excited and wrapped up in their work that they were upset they had to stop and go to specials. Some examples of items they are working on are a timeline, fact books, flag picture books, mosaic creations, etc.
  • ~In reading workshop we are doing more with our reading groups and many students are enjoying taking quizzes on the computer.
  • ~Students are working on writing longer books in writing workshop, and practicing their editing and revising skills.
  • ~For social studies we are focusing on how things have changed from long ago and how they have stayed the same. This week we are also taking a look at the upcoming election.
  • ~In science we are also looking at how the outside world is changing and are studying the leaves this week.
  • ~We are continuing to work sudoku puzzles as part of our current thinking skill focus.

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