Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hedgie the Hedgehog

We are on a mission to find Hedgie in our Author of the Month books. We are reading Jan Brett's books this month and one of the distinguishing features in her stories is that she draws an illustration of a hedgehog in most of her books. Students are eager to figure out which books have Hedgie and which books do not. Today we read The Umbrella, and many children were pouring over Jan's illustrations during study hall. I was fortunate to spend the day with Jan last year as the winner of her annual "Lunch on the Bus" contest and she shared many insights into how she creates her books and pictures. Usually she travels to the location where the book takes place. Perhaps you can join your child on his or her adventure to discover Hedgie in Jan's books.

Miss Smelser, Caroline (a former student), and Jan Brett

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